Friday, March 6, 2020

AIDS Awareness

Knowing Your StatusHIV/AIDS Awareness Photo by Trygve.u via September 27, 2012 was National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The PRIDE agency on campus held HIV/AIDS testing for any gay male who wanted to get tested. Testing was done at PRIDE’s LGBTQ Resource Center, located at the Union second floor room A211. People from Thagard and Leon County came to test. Testing was done between  on September 27th  on September 27thfrom 1pm- 4pm. All tests were rapid 20 minute tests, so you don’t have to wait so many weeks wondering the worst. As an incentive for getting tested as well those who were tested were given a $5 gift card to a business of choice. A $5 gift card  shouldnt  be what brings gay men in to get tested however. Gay men should want to know their status. It’s like getting that yearly physical. It’s not pleasant, but it’s all for a better living quality. It is one of my beliefs that knowledge is power. The more we know the more we can do. HIV/AIDS testing  isnt  something to worry about. It is an examination, one that can help you in the long run. In this life there are many things we are worried about, things we know nothing about. One thing we can know is our own status. The process is painless. Depending how you get it done. At PRIDE’s LGBTQ Resource Center they were doing rapid testing. A 20 minute wait is the max you would wait. You just had to fill out some paper work, swab your gums with special swab that will show if you’re negative or positive. It’s quick and easy. PRIDE is an agency for Florida State University as a part of Student Government. It works towards educated and helping any in regards to LGBTQ issues. They are mostly known for the drag show they put on every first Friday of the fall and spring semester. Yet,  theyve  do more than that. Such as free HIV testing that was held on September 27th.  They have done free HIV/AIDS testing regularly at their resource center before. Next month they plan a week of events for Coming Out Week, in celebrating National Coming Day. Also, they host an Alternative Prom every spring for those who  didnt  spent their prom in high school the way they wanted to. Simply by knowing your status and keeping up with it can change many lives. Knowing is just half the battle. If you know what something is you know how to deal with it. It’s no longer a boogie man in the shadows.

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